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Decluttering When You Work From Home: An Essential Task

LifestyleDecluttering When You Work From Home: An Essential Task

Considering decluttering? As a home worker, it should be at the top of your priority list.

When you work from home it is often suggested that decluttering is a good idea. For most people, this is true. Decluttering is never a bad idea because all of us have too much stuff.

For home workers though, decluttering is more than a good idea, in fact, it’s essential. If you’re earning your money at home, trying to be productive and also trying to enjoy a fulfilling personal life within the same four walls, the distraction, stress and space taken up by clutter isn’t going to help you reach that goal.

So what do you do when you work from home and you’re struggling to organise your things?

First Things First, Define Your Office

Before you set out to declutter, it is a good idea to define your office space so that you know where you’re going to sort out first. You should, of course, declutter your self storage space, home, garage, shed and garden. However, for this task it is your home office that is your priority so defining where that space is, is important. Is it just one room? Is it also the desk in the spare room? Which spaces are you most likely to use for work?

Prepare For The Task

It is so easy to say you plan to declutter, but it is just as easy to put it to the side and prioritise other tasks. Set aside the time, prepare your cheap self storage unit for more submissions and get bags, boxes and labels ready for your session. Importantly, ensure there are no distractions that could take you away from the task. By preparing and committing, you’re more likely to get the decluttering done.

Make It Messy

Many people don’t recognise the beauty of a totally messy room during the process of decluttering. It is, in fact, a wonderful thing. Turning out every drawer, tray and pile to see exactly what you have is an essential part of the decluttering process. You can only really organise and sort things out by seeing exactly what you’re dealing with. It’s the freak out moment, but it will help you get to the next step.


Now everything is out you can declutter. Make a pile of paper to shred, of items to go into your unit and of items to be binned. Be ruthless to make space. It could even be worth considering using your storage unit for anything in your office space you know takes up more space than it should. The futon kept in their for guests once a year? The filing cabinets full of paperwork you never access? Get these things into your unit to give your working space more openness.

Before You Put Everything Away…

Now you have decluttered, it is so important not to just shove everything back into your office as before. Instead, try to boost your storage and organise things better. Use Tidying Up With Marie Kondo for some really great tips. The idea is to avoid clutter building up and instead enjoying a more functional space moving forward.

Now you can enjoy your beautiful new working space at home. With all this space and organisation, your career is going to get a great boost, hopefully winning you more productivity moving forward.

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