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4 Essential Tips to Create Effective Custom Printed Soap Boxes

Business4 Essential Tips to Create Effective Custom Printed Soap Boxes

When you want to sell your soaps in huge quantities, it becomes an obligation to develop compelling customer boxes. An eye-popping soap packaging can play a critical role in strengthening your brand position, improving sales, reinforcing identity and most of all enhancing the perceived value of the product. But creating an effective package for soaps is no less than a nightmare, considering that the market is highly competitive and infinite variations of soap packages designs are already out in the market. This makes it tough to carve effective custom printed soap boxes that stand out from the herd.      

But as they say, “if there is a will, there is a way”. Let your creative juices flow or join hands with an established packaging firm like The Legacy Printing that can meet your expectations without fail. To get you started, here are four essential tips to create effective custom soap packages that will leave a lasting impression on your ideal customers.

Think About Shelf Impact

Today, retail shelf impact is one of the most important indicators for a brand because it describes the way an item actually looks on store racks—whether it stands out or blends in the sea of similar products. We exist in an era where even the most distinct and unique packages fail to prove effective because they simply don’t have shelf impact. For this reason, it’s crucial to test your package design prior to redesigning or launching the product.      

An ideal way is to arrange your soaps on the retail shelves right next to competitors’ soaps, just as customers find them in the retail environment. The more unique your packaging appears from the competing items in the surrounding, the better sales you will get. Attaining shelf impact is not an easy feat, but it definitely worth the effort.    

As a matter of fact, you would be surprised to know that quite often overly designed custom soap packaging blend in or vanishes on the racks, whereas simple boxes of soaps prove to be a visual barrage. 

Personal Touch Still Matters

A little personal touch can go a long way, especially when it comes to retail. Personalizing your custom soap box packaging can make your product pop out to your consumers at the point of sale. Elements like handwritten note accompanying your bundle soap package or hand-tied premium knot would make your customers feel special as it communicates a superior sense of personalization. You could also make use of different printing techniques like embossing, debossing, lamination, hot foil stamping, etc. to spruce up the design. 

Pick the Best Packaging Materials

Want to give your package design a luxurious touch? Choose the best packaging materials to craft a super lavish package that will make your customers want to buy the product without trying it. Using velvet or gift like boxes would allow you to make a mark for your brand. In addition, letterpress seals, wax seals, and other techniques can help achieve the design look.

Opt for an Unusual Shape      

Unlike a traditional package design, it’s challenging to craft an unusual shape for your soaps. But it’s worth a shot for the right idea. A distinctive shape soap box can quickly become a trademark and prove a valuable asset for your cleansing bar brand. Other worthwhile design efforts include display considerations. For example, design your soap boxes in a way they can appropriately stand or stack on retail shelves. JAU handmade soap is an excellent example. The brand encases its soaps in a paper bag like packaging that sets it apart from all the competing soap bars. Moreover, it allows the soap to stand on the shelves aptly.

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